Welcome to Middle World Healing

There are many ways to get to where you want to go in this lifetime. I can help guide you on your path with techniques informed by aspects of shamanism, hypnosis, Buddhist philosophy, and energy medicine. We can seek out your core issues, imprints, memories, wounds, or past misunderstandings to find new understanding, to find a rediscovered or new source of personal power, a return of your self, a release of anything that is not yours or no longer needs to be yours, and to find true healing. We can examine your core motivations, intentions, and purpose.

Depth Hypnosis

Depth Hypnosis is a technique developed by Isa Gucciardi, PhD using hypnosis, Buddhism, shamanism, energy medicine, and transpersonal psychology. The simplest explanation is that it is like a kind of guided meditation to examine your patterns and wounds and find healing.

In Depth Hypnosis, the first session is spent discussing your life and significant events. The second session is guiding you in finding a deep connection with the part of yourself that has your highest good as its sole intent. The following sessions are going into an altered state similar to meditation in which you will allow the subconscious to come to the surface. You will not be “out” or unconscious. About 3 to 5 sessions of this are recommended to experience a shift in the issue you would initially like to address. You can have frequent sessions, perhaps once a week, or less frequently, perhaps whenever you feel the need.

Applied Shamanic Counseling

Applied Shamanic Counseling can be used for connecting with your inner guidance, to find your motivation, intention, and purpose. It can be used to closely examine a specific issue in your life. In the first session, we will talk about the general shamanic framework and how the technique of drum journey works. We discuss the issue you would like to delve into. Then I hold space while you do your first drum journey to find a guide to help you in this work, the part of yourself that has your own highest good as its sole intent. You may perceive it as your higher self or the divine or a teacher in another form. You do not have to have a certain set of religious beliefs to benefit from this technique. After your journey, I help you tease out the symbols and meaning. In following sessions, we discuss the last session and any dreams or real life happenings that have relevance and formulate a question for that session’s journey. After about 6 sessions (perhaps sooner), you may feel ready to journey on your own, scheduling another session with me if you would like help with something that is stuck.

Applied Shamanism

Applied Shamanism is an adaptation of an ancient art to bring this healing technique into your own modern life. In Applied Shamanism, I do a drum journey (around 10 minutes) for you, using the repetitive sound to achieve a meditative state for myself. I have the intention of asking for healing for you from helping spirits. Afterwards, I relate what happened, including any healings, with any symbols or metaphors. Then, I lead you in a guided meditation to understand what the symbols mean for you personally in your life and meaningful and practical steps you can take moving forward.

The healings that can occur include soul retrieval, power retrieval, energetic interference release, karmic pattern release, or energy healing. Often, they occur together. For instance, soul loss or power loss can create a vacuum for energy that is not yours to lodge. You may feel that you need a soul retrieval. That may be the case, but other healing may need to occur first. They may occur in the same session or you may need more sessions. Similar to how someone may need antibiotics and a blood transfusion BEFORE a surgery, to provide some healing so the system can handle the more intense process.

Space Clearing

Space clearing is not just me lighting some sage. It is me doing an Applied Shamanic process on your space rather than you. I can do this in person or remotely. You will have some pre-work and homework. Most significantly, you have to CLEAN. Thoroughly. I can do this for your home (house, apartment), but not a whole apartment building. I can do it for your place of work if you are the one who makes decisions for that space. I cannot do it on your hospital unit if you are staff in the unit. If you are the director, we can talk. I cannot do it on your kid’s school without permission of the principal. I have done it for a classroom teacher for her classroom. It requires the permission of the person who controls the space.